
πŸ†Seamus Show πŸ†

😊The Seamus Show😊

Welcome to my website. I am a fifth grader. I have started a podcast called The Seamus Show.

I also make Sunshine Snacks.

I have stories and songs for kids and families (maybe with some real characters kids will truly love).

You can find The Seamus Show podcast on Spotify and many other places.

You can also follow my show on Twitter and Instagram, or join my mailing list.

My sister got inspiration from my podcast and started her own podcast called Brave Beatrix.


About Seamus

Seamus makes Sunshine Snacks.

  • .Loves classical music
  • .Cares about saving the planet
  • .Likes Learnig about history
  • .Cares about blm (black lives matter)
  • .Loves wings of fire
  • .Dog man is a favorate book
  • .Loves kids like him

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Seamus Show Blog

My latest episode: You are my Sunshine

Please join me as my dad plays the ukulele and I sing. I will sing You are my Sunshine in English and in Hawaiian. Then after I sing, you can sing along with us. After that, listen to my latest story Light on the Ice.

about my second epesode

the kind dragon and farmer joe. seamus is back but with two stories we hope you enjoy it!

The girl who never made a friend (my first episode).

My first podcast episode is live! I hope you like it. I will be publishing new episodes every Tuesday β€” and my sister will be publishing her episodes every Thursday. πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ§‘β€οΈπŸ’œπŸ’— πŸŽ–οΈπŸ˜ my first episode! Yes πŸ˜πŸŽ–οΈ Seamus, your host There’s a girl who has no friends she likes. So she sets off on a …